Selling Your Business to EMG

I was blown away with my experience selling Allnurses to EMG. From the first point of contact until after the closing, EMG was always fair, transparent, accommodating and responsive, not to mention they are nice, personable and down to earth people to work with. 

Selling to EMG was a fantastic experience and it really put my mind at ease to know that our business was going to be in very good hands with caring and understanding owners that could continue our legacy.

Dave Smits, Allnurses

Why Sell to EMG?

We know your business is your life’s work, and by selling to EMG you can ensure the unique culture and independence lives on.

Good Home for Your Life's Work

We know your business is your life’s work, and by selling to EMG you can ensure the unique culture and independence lives on.

Access to Resources

The world is competitive, and by partnering with EMG your company will have access to resources and expertise to ensure your business thrives for another generation.

A Fair and Seamless Process

We pay fair prices, make quick decisions, remain flexible and keep our word.

What a Transaction Looks Like

We arrange an introductory call, where we learn basic information about your business.
We quickly value your businesses based on a multiple of its sustainable EBITDA.
We confirm the information and prepare the paperwork over the next 2-3 months.
We pay for the vast majority of the purchase price in cash, though we are flexible.
During this process we work quickly, transparently, flexibly and honestly.

What we look for

What Happens After The Acquisition?

Why Sell to EMG?

What Happens After The Acquisition?

What happens after the acquisition?